What is a Small World?

How does one break out and benefit from more exposure?

Robert Carlson
4 min readApr 8, 2022

“Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine.” ~ Rick Blaine referring to Ilsa Lund, Casablanca.

Rick ruminates about how the beautiful woman, Ilsa Lund, happened to walk into his life when she walked into Rick’s Café Américain. Rick’s place is a small world. While there may by thousands of gin joints in all the towns and in this world, there would be only two or three such places in the town of Casablanca, Morocco. Her chances would be quite great especially since she needed to escape and he was noted as the person who could make it happen.

Sun rise behind the wires
Sunrise in California

The concept of a small world is equally applied to the exposure a single person gets in a crowd of similar people. In the attendance crowd at a venue such as the historic gathering at Woodstock where upwards of 500,000 gathered for three days or the 80K crowd at Coachella there will be those who came for one particular reason or performance or another. All together they comprise a population of music lovers who have the time, money and inclination to venture out to the venues and experience the festivities. On one hand, the crowd seems to be highly similar but as opposed to the whole US population. On the other, within the crowd there are smaller pockets of interest in specific performers…



Robert Carlson

Robert Carlson is a writer & photographer who has been active since the mid-1960s. His writing spans many genre & can be found in venues across the Internets.